Memcached is an object caching system, which is used to supercharge the performance of database-powered Internet sites by caching the calls and the responses between the user and the server. Put simply, anytime a particular web page on such a website is accessed, the script queries its database to fetch the information that should be shown to the website visitor. In case the latter clicks on a hyperlink to open another page, the whole procedure is repeated and this leads to lots of database queries and excessive load on the server, particularly if the website has lots of concurrent visitors. Memcached "memorizes" this information exchange, so in case any of these pages is visited again, the script no longer has to extract any data from the database, since everything is delivered by the Memcached platform. In this way, the overall speed of your website will "soar" and you’ll have more pleased visitors and they will be able to browse your website much faster. Besides, the Memcached platform "refreshes" its cache whenever any data in the database is modified, so the website visitors will never wind up seeing outdated content.
Memcached in Website Hosting
You can make use of the Memcached distributed memory object caching system with all Linux website hosting packages that we are offering. It’s offered as an optional upgrade, which you can order with just a few clicks of the mouse through your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. It needs an extension, which is pre-installed on our cloud website hosting platform, so you can start using the Memcached caching system the moment you order it. The upgrade is subdivided into two parts, which will give you more freedom depending on the websites that you wish to use it for. The first one concerns the number of the sites that will use the Memcached caching system, or the so-called ‘instances’, while the second one is related to the memory, in other words – to how much content the system will be able to cache. You can add more system memory in increments of 16 MB and the more memory you have, the more content will be cached, which may be a rather good idea for busy sites with large databases and a lot of visitors. In this way, you can improve the performance of every script-driven Internet site hosted on our servers without any efforts.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you purchase one of our semi-dedicated server plans, you will find Memcached as an optional feature in the Upgrades part of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, so if you’d like to use it for any of the websites hosted in the account, you can activate it with just a few clicks of the mouse. The platform is ideal for any script-driven web application such as WordPress, Joomla, or even a custom-built one, and based on your needs, you’ll be able to choose two different features – how many websites will use the Memcached platform, in other words – the number of instances; and how much data will be cached, in other words – the amount of system memory that the platform will employ. The two features are not tied to each other, so if you manage a traffic-heavy Internet site with lots of data, you can get one instance and a larger amount of memory. The Memcached platform will optimize the performance of your sites shortly after you enable it and both you and your website visitors will enjoy better load times.
Memcached in Dedicated Web Hosting
You can unlock the full potential of Memcached with each dedicated server that we offer if you pick Hepsia as your hosting Control Panel. A special Control Panel section is dedicated to the distributed memory object caching system and you can start using Memcached for any site hosted on the machine with only several clicks of the mouse. You can optimize the performance of any site, regardless of what script-based app you are using or how heavy the website is, since the minimum amount of system memory that Memcached will be able to employ is 3 GB and this amount rises tremendously with the more powerful servers. Shortly after the caching system is enabled, it will begin caching data each time somebody browses your site, so, once sufficient content has been cached, you’ll notice the decreased server load and the improved overall performance of the site. Memcached is used by a lot of sites, among them popular portals such as Zynga, Wikipedia and Reddit, which is a confirmation of the efficiency of the Memcached system.