Technical Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A Sixty–Minute Response Guarantee

  • Each assistance request you send to us will be responded to within maximum sixty minutes. In case your support ticket or email calls for further assistance from a server administrator, we’ll without delay forward it and leave a comment to let you know that your issue is being examined. If you make use of the Admin Services package, all of the server administration services included there will be completed at a time of your preference.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Premium Support Service

  • We’ll be available to you 24/7/365 to reply to any enquiries that you may have related to our Control Panel and any of the applications that we have pre–installed for your convenience on the dedicated web hosting server. If you also need help tackling server admin procedures, examine our Admin Services package, which includes backup space, weekly Operating System updates, server monitoring and rebooting procedures, plus problem troubleshooting and installation services.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Easy–to–Navigate Help Area

  • Every Linux dedicated servers hosting package is equipped with our free Control Panel, which features a comprehensive knowledge base and a selection of instructional video tutorials. Whenever you require assistance while working with the Control Panel, just click the Videos or Help buttons located in the top right corner.