An SRV record, which stands for Service record, is a DNS entry that is used to outline the servers which run a certain service for a domain name. In other words, you can use your Internet domain not just for a website, but also for an instant messaging server, a video streaming host or a Voice-Over-IP server, as an example, while you still have a website with it. Whenever you set up the SRV record, you can select what Internet Protocol it will use, on which port the connection to the specific server is going to be established plus the priority and the weight of the record provided that you have a number of SRV records for the very same service. The second option allows you to use different machines for load balancing and redundancy. Using this type of DNS records, you could use the same domain name for a number of purposes and even with different providers in case the same one is not able to provide all services you need.
SRV Records in Website Hosting
You're going to be able to set up a new SRV record for any one of the domains which you host within a shared website hosting account on our revolutionary cloud platform. Provided that the DNS records for the domain address are handled on our end, you can manage them with ease via the respective section of your Hepsia CP and just minutes later any new record you create will be active. Hepsia comes with a highly intuitive interface and all it will take to create an SRV record is to fill in a couple of text boxes - the service the record is going to be used for, the Internet protocol and also the port number. The priority (1-100), weight (1-100) and TTL boxes have standard values, which you can leave except if the other company requires different ones. TTL is short for Time To Live and this number indicates the time in seconds for the record to stay active if you modify it or remove it at some point, the standard one being 3600.
SRV Records in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Through a semi-dedicated server package from us, you're going to be able to employ our easy to work with DNS administration tool, that is a part of the in-house developed Hepsia website hosting CP. It will offer you a quite simple interface to create a new record for any domain name hosted inside the account, so if you need to use a domain for any purpose, you can create a brand new SRV record with only a few mouse clicks. Using basic text boxes, you will have to enter the service, protocol and port number information, which you should have from the company offering you the service. Additionally, you'll be able to pick what priority and weight the record will have if you're planning to use a couple or more machines for the exact same service. The default value for them is 10, but you can set any other value between 1 and 100 if necessary. In addition, you are going to have the option to adjust the TTL value from the default 3600 seconds to any other value - this way setting the time this record is going to be live in the global DNS system after you erase it or modify it.